Welcome to Bora Bora
Every country has its own charm and beauty, but if we had to choose the most beautiful place with the most beautiful nature, the recognition of beauty would go to Bora Bora, these islands are literally the PARADISE on Earth.
Има многу места низ светот кои се безбедни за пливање со ајкули, но Бора Бора е најбезбедна и во последните 25 години не е регистриран ниту еден напад од ајкулу во овие магични острови. Токму затоа се решив да ве однесам во овој Рај на Земјата, кадешто и ајкулите се пријателски расположени, но како и со секоја авантура, најпрвин треба да го избереме најдобриот водич.
My rule when choosing a tour guide is to choose a local, whenever I have the opportunity, who is owner of the vehicle, who organizes the tour himself, because that way you certainly get the best service and you get to know the local culture in the most original way. So we chose MATA, who immediately justified the trust with his Ukulele-guitar.
The music was changing, the scenery was changing, but the impression was the same the entire time. WE FOUND PARADISE and in such a paradise the sharks must be in a friendly mood… However, the feeling that we would be swimming with sharks for a short time gave me a little restlessness, especially since one of my friends is from South Africa, and he told us that there were attacks every year.
I calmed down a bit when the South African explained to me that only in parts of South Africa and parts of Australia sharks were constantly attacking people. In those parts of the world main food for sharks were SEALS, human blood is similar to that of seals, and the snorkelers underwater also looked a bit like a swimming seal, so sharks often get confused and people become their food.
However, we thought we were safe in Bora Bora, because the last fatal shark attack took place in the distant year of 1834… so we thought we would not be the ones that would get the sharks hungry…
The whole adventure may seem a little scary, but the tame sharks and the beautiful unique nature have filled my eyes, heart and mind so much that whenever I have stress or problems in my life – I just think of Bora Bora and it disappears, only 50 shades of BLUE COLOUR I see before my eyes… and of course a shark trying to grab my camera
TOTAL = 3050 MKD
Sometimes when we hear about an eccentric adventure we wonder how much it costs and if we can afford it, but sometimes through group offers we can in a simple and cheap way get a GREAT experience for a GREAT PRICE…
So take courage, join the adventurous journeys and create MEMORIES THAT WILL LAST FOR LIFETIME!!!