Everyone who like music and enjoys it is happy. The music knows no barriers, pandemics, it simply pierces everything, crawls everywhere, touches every hart, caresses and makes you happy. Everyone who can feel that joy in the heart is lucky. In times like this, the sounds of nature and its wild animals are the only one who create live music as a band. But in this circumstances, in the era of the modern technology, NOVA students united in a high school band and used many products so they can create the best music sound in isolation, to record in isolation and to edit them by combining them together so they can make a sound of a band, so they can create music that touches all people, that makes everyone happy. And they did it. Of course, not everyone is here for that goal, some are here by accident but this is probably the only place where you can go to a concert. In this case, we have the band from NOVA High School which is a group of eight good students who demonstrate their making of music in something that they call a semi-concert, by performing many popular compositions and names among which: from Jorge Ben, Duke Ellington, Henry Macini to our Jovano, Jovanke. We are not worried about the fact that the audio is recorded before the video, and that is why you can notice the difference between what you hear and what you see, because it is recorded with just a smart phone. We just like to enjoy in the creativity and beauty of the musical performances of these young talents.
They live for this music.