What are you looking for?


You need a movie, show, series, event that we’ve already broadcasted? Watch it on NASHA TV’s rerun or at www.nasatv.com.mk. Here you will find all the information of when and what is being broadcasted. You have already paid your cable operator for this service and you can download it whenever you want from the video service provided by your cable operator. .

You need some of our shows? Do you want for us to recorded it or send it to you, so you can watch it whenever you want? Pay an annual subscription to NASHA TV DOOEL Skopje for our channel and we will deliver you up to 5 videos per year as needed. We will fully repay the funds to the authors of the projects you want to watch. How much does it cost? How big is your need… your satisfaction? You can find bank account in the following column/tab in the WHO is WHO footer?

You’ve got an idea? Do you want for us to deliver it free of charge? Do you want for us to come and work for free? You would like to attend your event for which you already earn money, without paying us? DO NOT INVITE US. DO NOT EVEN BOTHER CALLING. DO NOT SEND US E-MAILS. We dislike lazy people and penny-pinchers.

You are in search for a job? You have knowledge? You’ve got a project and need a partner? We are always ready to pay the results obtained.

You’ve got an idea? You’ve got an event? You want to collaborate and share the result. Feel free to send us an e-mail or call us. We work every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days in the week, 365 days in the year.

You’ve got a product. You would like to invest. You need partner. We are ready to co-invest with you. Call us.

You are young. For starters. You need information. You need equipment. You want to pay back for something. Many has helped us, and we will help many.

We have products. We have work. You would like to engage in selling? From a sand grain to a locomotive. If you want to work, be sure you will earn. In our company or at some of our partners that also provide work to us.

Do not complain that you need a stable job. We get job every day, we get hired by our clients and when they can’t stand us anymore, they give us a resignation. And we still have a coffee together. Until our next employment.
