
You create a work. Any kind of work. An object. A text. A photograph.

You are the author. You are the owner.

You like to sell your work? You sell it. The work has a new owner. But, again, you are the author.

The owner of your work purchased your effort, your imagination. But, again, you are the author.

The owner who purchased your work is only an owner of your work.

They cannot be signed as the author of the work you have created.

It is important for us to distinguish the ownership over a work from the authorship of the work. In order for everyone to get what belongs to them.

Our product NASHA TV is created by the work of many authors and many created works. We cannot broadcast them unless the same author or owner of the work has given us the right to broadcast them. We enter into employment contracts, copyright agreements, contracts with productions, with producers, we ask for consent, we negotiate.

We create our own programme. We are most focused on that. To keep having new programme every day…

Every part of NASHA TV programme has its own author and owner of the rights to the work we broadcast. Each work broadcasted must be governed by an agreement and broadcasting or rebroadcasting consent or assignment of copyrights for a particular work.

Therefore, we are asking you. If you need any work for public broadcasting or rebroadcasting and which was created for the needs of NASHA TV and NASHA TV programme is a signatory of that product, feel free to contact us.

We are reasonable. And we pay respect.