In its decade-long work, the School of Music and Other Arts “Piano Forte” from Skopje has become synonymous of quality, success and musical talents. Therefore, they have a great occasion to celebrate, to crown their successful work, through which they have shown that music can be a reason to bring together many young music lovers in one place and to allow the best teachers to introduce them to the world of music, so that over the years they can completely conquer it and reach many performances, festivals, competitions and deserved awards.
Quiet and loud or the two words – piano and forte – are a synonym for the beautiful melody released by the piano, under the pianist’s fingers, as one of the most recognizable and popular instruments in the world, the inspiration for many works and unforgettable melodies. Inspiration for many students at the school, which from the initial 20 reached the number of 200 students who have passed through it and have studied, is given by 15 finest professors, as a total number of them who have worked there over the years. A school that has proven to be at the top according to its work programmes, the quality of the final concerts of the students, with many guest appearances, concerts of all kinds, participation in humanitarian events, performances in honor of diplomats, to piano concerts and festivals, on the domestic and foreign stage, crowned with valuable prizes.
Pride and inspiration for all who have studied and study in this school today.