KULTURO – Dimitar Kondovski

Dimitar Kondovski is a bard of Macedonian painting. The cultural identity of contemporary Macedonian artistic expression is practically woven into his work. The dominant melody of his works is characterized on the one hand by the spiritual-aesthetic and plastic repertoire of medieval art, and on the other by various forms of non-figurative and associative art. When observing his works, one gets the impression of looking into some sacral transcendental objects, because they demand overwhelming attention from us.
In this episode of the KULTURO show, we bring you the ecstatic experience that comes from his recent posthumous and retrospective exhibition at Daut Pashin Amam Gallery. The exhibition displayed works that literally depict every period of his creative engagement which can be said to represent the culmination of his creative energy in different periods.
The work of Dimitar Kondovski has not gone unnoticed, he is the winner of the 11 October 1964 painting award, the 13 November Award of the City of Skopje in 1970, the Prix National painting award at the Cannes International Art Festival in 1974 in France, the Kliment Ohridski Award in 1987, he was also the winner of many other awards and recognitions.