NOVA – Elementary School Graduation Ceremony 2022

A nice end to a cycle of education. Although many of this generation have gone through challenges, it is to be recognized that NOVA, as a school, shared all the challenges with the students. We can proudly say, these are much more resilient students than one might think. Therefore, for this generation, it was the formal assembly, to celebrate the great transition to high school. NOVA is a very promising place and as the elementary school graduation is celebrated, it will be celebrated on many other occasions, when they will be 3rd year, 4th year, many will get a diploma, master’s thesis, doctoral thesis, celebrations, weddings, birthdays of their children, buying a house, buying a car and many other things. It gives a perspective of where they will be at that moment and what they have left in that journey of theirs – many celebrations. So we wish them that kind of freedom. “THE FREEDOM OF THE DREAMERS”. It is these dreamers who are told to be adventurous, fearless, and step out of their comfort zone. And they have shown that they can do it. Don’t worry about making mistakes, embrace failures, because they are an important part of moving from one point to another and to many other points that you have set out. Let each day be important, because each day is exactly what we are living at that moment, so let it be important. They owe nothing to anyone. The immediate future consists of a combination of luck, time, hard work and will. The message is unique: “Walk your own paths instead of following some that have already been trodden by others. Remember, this is coming from someone who has already walked other paths.” Thus, from successful, more successful, this generation ends with success. Hence the final awards that are given, as part of the Presidential Educational Achievement Program – Citizenship award, for the marks shown in the community that are related to civic influence and values and showing integrity by doing what is right and knowing what is wrong. Together with the letter from the President of the United States, a letter that is read throughout the schools of the world, which have the privilege of giving these awards. “This award is a testament to your hard work, perseverance and resilience, especially during these difficult times. You are part of the most talented and gifted generation in history and our world will need you. Keep studying hard and remember to always lead by example. I am convinced that you will translate your talent into a great opportunity, happiness and prosperity for yourself, for our people and for our world.
Your future is bright.
Keep believing “